What is catheter buy back?
GreenSource will purchase many of your used EP catheters, provided they are intact and unaltered (the tips not cut). TH price paid to you by GreenSource is greater than the platinum tip value – and greater than any other EP catheter collection company in the market. Do not cut the tip on your EP devices. The value from the GreenSource program is far higher than simple tip recovery programs – often earning the lab more than 10 times the return from platinum rebate programs. We also purchase certain used intracardiac ultrasound and atherectomy catheters to create additional revenue for your lab. Send us an email to see our current list of devices included in GreenSource’s industry leading program and start earning additional income for your lab without having to purchase reprocessed catheters back.
The GreenSource EP catheter recovery program is not a reprocessing program. Your used devices leave your lab and do not return. GreenSource works with recycling and re-use companies to ensure used devices are treated in an environmentally responsible manner. Our device prices are guaranteed to exceed prices offered by any other catheter collection company in the US.
1. BAG
Place used catheter in plastic bag provided.
2. BOX
Request packaging material from GreenSource including labels for pre-paid shipping.
Ship boxes to GreenSource facilities.
You receive a detailed list of all devices received after one week and a check for the value.
Catheter Buy Back Payment
Price Match Guarantee
Biosense Webster AcuNav ICE $100 each
Philips VeriSight Pro ICE st $100 each
Abbott / St Jude ViewFlex ICE $60 each
Biosense Webster NuVision ICE st $60 each
Siemens Acuson AcuNav Volume 4D ICE st $60 each
Abbott / St. Jude Agilis Steerable Introducer at $30 each
Select Fixed Catheters at $8 each
Select Steerable Catheters at $14 each
Ablation Catheters receive Platinum Value
Select Duodeca, Halo, Lasso at $18 each
Abbott / St Jude Swartz braided at $20 each
Select Philips Visions & Eagle Eye IVUS at $30 each
Select Boston Scientific OptiCross IVUS at $25 each
Select EP catheter cables at $5 each
Damaged devices receive platinum value
Abbott / St Jude BRK Transseptal Needles at $20 each
Abbott / CSI Diamondback 360 at $40 each
Shockwave M5 & S4 at $40 each
Philips Turbo Elite $40 each
GreenSource works with recycling companies, refiners, research facilities, R & D departments, and reprocessing companies. Their demand for used devices shifts over time, so check back with us regularly. Prices and devices included in the GreenSource program change over time.
We match or beat all competitor pricing. Please contact us for a full list of devices included in program.
(480) 612-4762 or email [email protected].
* These prices apply to the United States. For outside of the U.S. contact us for more information.
Who benefits from the program?
- EP Labs that do not use reprocessed devices can send in all of their used catheters
- EP Labs that limit the use of reprocessed devices can send in devices they do not want to re-use
- EP labs that fully leverage reprocessed EP catheters and use intracardiac ultrasound, atherectomy catheters and other devices that cannot be reprocessed